Peter Chen steps down as Director of Society in Science
20.02.2015 15:46
Having directed Society in Science – The Branco Weiss Fellowship for over four years, Professor Peter Chen has decided to step down from the directorate in order to concentrate his efforts on the faculty of the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry at ETH Zurich. Peter Chen has directed the fellowship since it became fully integrated in ETH Zurich shortly after Branco Weiss passed away in October 2010. He conceived the overall strategy to produce a cohort of the finest young researchers throughout the world, with stimulating relations among each other that may last a lifetime. Under his direction the fellowship evolved within a few years from a courageous experiment into what candidates now call “the coolest postdoc fellowship in the world”. Everybody at Society in Science is extremely grateful and expresses their wholehearted thanks to Peter Chen for his commitment and effort. Fellows will surely still be able to experience his breadth and rigor when they come to Zurich for the yearly symposium, in which Peter Chen will continue to participate.