Robert Baines 3

Robert Baines 4

Robert Baines 2

A Community of Exceptional Postdocs

The fellowship is designed for postdocs in all areas of natural and social sciences and engineering who are not only rising stars in their respective fields, but in addition have a vision for realizing their own dreams of reshaping the future of their fields of science, and above all are willing to engage in a dialogue with society on relevant social, cultural, political or economic issues across the frontiers of their particular discipline.

BWF Video 2024 Titel Heller

Branco Weiss Fellows, an alumna, and a member of the Directorate share their experiences of the Fellowship.

The fellowship was founded in 2002 by the late Swiss entrepreneur Dr. Branco Weiss. In 2010, he established the fellowship program at ETH Zurich, his alma mater. Candidates can apply for a project to be hosted by any academic institution worldwide, provided that it is exceedingly well suited for the task.

The original idea of The Branco Weiss Fellowship is exemplified by selected alumni portraits.