Murielle Delley receives a Starting Grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation
30.11.2022 13:54
The Swiss National Science Foundation has awarded Branco Weiss Fellow Murielle Delley with one of 62 generous Starting Grants 2022. Over a period of five years, Prof. Delley will receive an amount of approximately 1,8 Mio. Swiss francs for the project named “Heteroatom Defects at the Electrified Interface: Inner-Sphere Interactions, Electrostatics, Site Distribution, and Role in Electrocatalysis”. Her research project aims to open new avenues to a controlled engineering of defects in electrocatalysts to enable a more sustainable production of chemicals.
The Starting Grants 2022 were launched by the SNSF as a transitional measure on behalf of the Swiss federal government due to Switzerland’s current non-association to Horizon Europe, the EU’s framework program for research and innovation. The scheme benefits researchers who conduct innovative, high-risk research in Switzerland. An SNSF Starting Grant enables them to carry out their own research project with a dedicated team in Switzerland.
Read the press release of the SNSF
See the project page on the SNSF data portal