Moritz Kraemer is mapping the global distribution of the Coronavirus
05.02.2020 17:19
Researchers at the University of Oxford led by Branco Weiss Fellow Moritz Kraemer have built a map of the global distribution of nCoV-2019, commonly known as the Coronavirus. The risks of this virus are quickly evolving, and up to date information is needed to inform decisions on how to contain its spread. Furthermore, including demographic and geographic information can be used to anticipate upcoming risks.
In order to curate an up to date, geographically precise database of confirmed cases of the virus, the researchers use data from Boston Children’s Hospital, Tsinghua University, Harvard University, and Northeastern University, as well as published reports from national, provincial, and municipal health governments.
“This data has already been used successfully by multiple groups to inform public health and we are glad to see that open data sharing during outbreaks can have such a positive effect”, Moritz Kraemer says. “This database will continue to be updated, and this information will be used to understand the spread of the virus across China and beyond.”
See the interactive map