Forbes names Daniel Bojar one of 30 under 30 to watch in Europe
09.05.2022 10:39
Forbes magazine has included Branco Weiss Fellow Daniel Bojar in its 30 under 30 Europe 2022 list in the “Science and Healthcare” category. For his achievements Forbes notes having developed the first deep-learning models to predict functional properties of complex sugars as well as having secured financial support for 1.7 million US-Dollars from the Branco Weiss Fellowship and other supporting bodies.
The 2022 Forbes 30 under 30 Europe list is the seventh annual list published by the magazine. Its goal is to illustrate the power young entrepreneurs and leaders have to transform business and society. The list features a broad range of categories, such as “Finance”, “Art and culture”, “Entertainment”, “Technology” or “Media and Marketing”.
See the category “Science and Healthcare” of the 2022 Forbes 30 under 30 Europe list
See the complete list in Forbes
Read the editorial in Forbes