
Annelies Vredeveldt

Born in: the Netherlands
Primary research category: Cognitive Psychology
Research location / employer: Faculty of Law, VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Fellowship dates: 2013-2019

Academic Career

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Psychology, University of York, United Kingdom, 2008-2011
  • Master of Science in Psychology and Law, Maastricht University, The Netherlands, 2007-2008
  • Undergraduate studies in psychology, law and political sciences, University College Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2004-2007

Fellowship Research

Dr. Vredeveldt’s research addresses an important question: how can we improve eyewitness memory? Specifically, she will investigate under what conditions witnesses can help, as opposed to harm, each other’s memory. Based on basic memory research, she predicts that witnesses can correct each other’s errors. Based on theoretical work from various disciplines (including cognitive psychology, sociology, philosophy and law), she predicts that under certain conditions witnesses can “cross-cue” each other’s memory. A “cue” refers to a prompt that triggers the retrieval of information from memory. By providing cues, witnesses may help each other to produce memories that no individual could recall alone. In other words, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Improving the quality and quantity of information obtained from witnesses would likely lead to more criminal cases being solved.

Current Research

Today, Dr. Vredeveldt heads a research team consisting of two postdocs and two Ph.D. students, funded by an ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council. The team investigates eyewitness testimony in cross-cultural contexts.

Major Awards

  • ERC Starting Grant 2018
  • Police and Science Research Grant 2015
  • Humanities Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2013
  • U.S. Department of Justice (FBI) research grant 2012
  • British Psychological Society – Social Psychology Section PhD award 2012
  • AW Mellon Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2012
  • American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) Dissertation Award: First Place 2011
  • Fullbright Visiting Scholar grant 2010
  • York Researcher Award 2010
  • Departmental Studentship University of York 2009-2011
  • VSBFoundation scholarship 2009-2010
  • Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Award 2009-2010
  • Top 3% award Maastricht University 2008
  • UCAA Alumni Award 2007