
Amar Vutha

Born in: India
Primary research category: Atomic Physics
Research location / employer: Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Canada
Fellowship dates: 2014-2019

Academic Career

  • Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, Canada 2015-present
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, York University, Canada 2011-2015
  • PhD in Physics, Yale University, USA 2011
  • Undergraduate studies in Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India 2005

Fellowship Research

Atoms need to be isolated from external perturbations in order to interrogate their oscillations with high precision. In the course of this research, lasers and magnetic fields will be used to cool down and trap calcium atoms in a vacuum. A narrow two-photon optical transition in these trapped atoms will be used to stabilize a laser oscillator. This arrangement dispenses with some of the complexity of laboratory-grade optical atomic clocks, and lends itself to an apparatus that can be made very compact. The performance of this system and its potential applications, in timekeeping, navigation and fundamental physics, will be studied.

Major Awards

  • Sloan Research Fellowship 2018
  • Canada Research Chair in Precision Atomic & Molecular Physics 2016
  • Connaught New Researcher Award 2016
  • Michelson Postdoctoral Prize Lectureship 2014