
Silvie Huijben

Born in: the Netherlands
Primary research category: Biology
Research location / employer: Arizona State University, USA
Fellowship dates: 2013-2018

Academic Career

  • Post-doctoral scholar, The Pennsylvania State University, 2010-2013


  • PhD in Biology, Edinburgh University, United Kingdom 2006-2010
  • Master degree in Biology, Wageningen University, Netherlands 2003-2006
  • Bachelor degree in Biology, Wageningen University, Netherlands 2000-2004

Fellowship Research

Drug resistant pathogens are one of the key public health challenges today. Because drug resistance is an evolutionary problem at the heart, we need a better understanding of the evolutionary processes that drive the emergence and spread of drug resistance. To better understand the selective forces of resistance in different ecological contexts, Dr. Silvie Huijben studies the selection for resistant parasites of two tropical disease systems, malaria and leishmaniasis. By studying clinical samples from HIV-positive and HIV-negative pregnant women of five malaria-endemic countries Dr. Huijben aims to unravel the link between HIV infection and the frequency of malaria drug resistance. Additionally, Dr. Huijben studies the selection for resistant leishmaniasis parasites in the non-human host. Explicitly, she researches the risk of the veterinary treatment practices that tend to facilitate resistant parasites in dogs for human public health.

Major Awards

  • Selected Fellow for Scialog: Mitigating Zoonotic Threats (three year funding initiative), 2021
  • Centennial Professorship Award, Arizona State University, 2020
  • NSF CAREER Award, 2020
  • First prize at the Annual Postdoc Research Exhibition Penn State 2012
  • Post-graduate research scholarship from the Darwin Trust of Edinburgh 2006-2009